Home Visgidsen en instructeurs Visgidsen en instructeurs in Co. Fermanagh

Visgidsen en instructeurs in Co. Fermanagh

Colin Chartres

Fishing guide and Instructer. CERT, APGAI-Ireland, FFF Cert, FFF Masters

Address: Erne Angling Services, Co. Fermanagh, N Ireland. BT75 0SA
Telephone: 0788 4472121
Email: info@erneangling.com

Frankie McPhillips

APGAI-Ireland – fly dresser

Address: No 5 The Buttermarket Down Street, Enniskillen, County Fermanagh BT74 7DU
Telephone: +44 (0)28 66323047
Email: fmcphillips@swiftsoft.net

Patrick Trotter

APGAI-Ireland, Casting Instructer and Guide

Address: 7 Tattinderry Estate, Maguiresbridge, Co. Fermanagh
Telephone: +44 (0)7821 538548
Email: patrick_trotter@hotmail.com

Hugh O’Reilly

Fishing guide

Address: Knockaraven, Garrison, Co. Fermanagh
Telephone: 048 686 58117 or +44 (0)772 6412874 or +353(0)86 1927819
Email: h.oreilly@live.com


Salmon, trout, pike and saltwater flyfishing guide and instructor

Address: Sydare, Ballinamallard, Co Fermanagh BT94 2DU
Telephone: 028 6638 8184 or 07808 204401
Email: michaelshortt@pagi.org

Davy Stinson

Salmon, trout and pike fishing guide

Address: Dreenan Cottage, Dreenan, Boa Island, Kesh, Co. Fermanagh
Telephone: 028 686 31951

Jim Hoy

Salmon and trout. AAPGAI, APGAI Ireland, STANIC. Fly casting instructor. Qualified ghillie/guide.

Address: 9 Millgreen, Derrygonnelly, County Fermanagh, N.Ireland. BT 93 6JA
Telephone: 048-686-41684 Mobile: 0044(0)7773200662 or +353 (0)83 1197428
Email: jimhoyflycasting@gmail.com

Fast Stream Game Angling

Ghillie and guiding services

Telephone: +44 (0)7896 341387
Email: bignoelc@hotmail.com